Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Volume 5, Jan. 15, 2002



Appendix F

Composition of Scales

1. Body Mass Index (BMI)

2. Body Image - (BODYIMAG) Weight History, Questions 8,10, 11, 12,13,14,16,17

Scale: 5-point Likert. a = highest, e = lowest

8. Are you satisfied with your current weight?

10. Are you self-conscious about your appearance in general?

11. Are you self-conscious about your appearance around potential sexual partners?

12. When you check yourself in the mirror without clothes, how do you feel?

13. How do you usually feel about your nude body in sexual encounters?

14. When asked, do you feel comfortable sharing the truth about your weight?

16. Do you think your body is sexually appealing?

17. How do your current feelings about your body compare to how you felt 10 years ago?

3. Sexual Satisfaction with Partner - (SEXSAT) Sexual Attitudes, First Grouping, Questions 1-7

Scale: 5-point Likert. 1 = not at all, 2 = occasionally, 3 = quite often, 4 = very often, 5 = almost always.

1. With the amount of time you are spending on your sexual relationship?

2. With the amount of time you are spending with your partner during lovemaking?

3. With the quality of time you and your partner spend during lovemaking?

4. With the importance you and your partner place on lovemaking in the relationship?

5. With your ability to make your physical needs known to one another?

6. With the frequency with which you have orgasms with your partner?

7. With your sexual relationship in general?

4. Sexual Attitudes - (SEXATT) Sexual Attitudes, Second Grouping, Questions 1,3,4,5 and 10-15

Scale: 1= mostly true, 2= mostly NOT true

1. Expressing your sexuality is important to you.

3. You are comfortable discussing sexual attitudes and activities with close friends.

4. You are comfortable discussing sexual attitudes and activities with your sexual partner.

5. You enjoy sharing your body during lovemaking.

10. You are comfortable with your own sexuality.

11. You enjoy trying something new sexually.

12. You are aware of your sexual desires.

13. You feel that you are a sensual person.

14. You are comfortable pleasuring yourself sexually.

15. Dressing in a manner that makes you feel sexually attractive is comfortable for you.

5. Sexual Self Confidence - (SEXCONF) Partner Questions, Question 15, a-g

Scale: 5-point Likert. 1 = not at all, 2 = almost never, 3 = sometimes, 4 = usually, 5 = almost always

a. Do you prefer to wear clothing that hides your body?

b. Do you enjoy telling your partner your desires when you are sexual together?

c. Do you enjoy being sexual with your partner with the light on or in the daylight?

d. Do you enjoy being caressed on your stomach by your partner?

e. Do you enjoy walking in the nude in front of your partner?

f. If your partner told you he desired you just the way you are, would you believe him?

g. Do you feel comfortable dressing in a way that expresses your sexuality?

6. Sexual Communication Scale - (SEXCOM) Partner Behavior, Questions 1-18

Scale: 4-point Likert. 1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = sometimes, 4 = always.

1. Does your partner take the time to assure you that he/she is sexually attracted to you?
2. Do you take time to assure your partner that he/she is sexually attractive to you?
3. Does your partner tell you what he/she likes about your body?
4. Do you tell your partner what you like about his/her body?
5. Does your partner express passion for you in words before lovemaking?
6. Do you express passion for your partner in words before lovemaking?
7. Does your partner express passion for you in actions before lovemaking?
8. Do you express passion for your partner before lovemaking in actions?
9. Does your partner talk during lovemaking in an exciting manner?
10. Do you talk during lovemaking in an exciting manner?
11. Does your partner tell you what would be sexually exciting for him/her?
12. Do you tell your partner what would be sexually exciting for you?
13. Does your partner express attraction for you away from lovemaking?
14. Do you express attraction for your partner away from lovemaking?
15. Does your partner enjoy your pleasuring him/her?
16. Do you enjoy his/her pleasuring you?
17. Do you believe your partner enjoys his/her own sexuality in general?
18. Do you believe you enjoy your own sexuality in general?

7. Participant Sexual Enjoyment - (SEXJOY) Partner Behavior, Question 30, A 1-8

Scale: 5-point Likert. 0 = not at all, 1 = enjoy somewhat, 2 = enjoy quite a bit, 3 = enjoy very much, 4 =enjoy completely

1. (Participant)
2. Cuddling
3. Stroking
4. Mutual masturbation
5. Receiving oral sex
6. Telephone sex
7. Light S/M
8. Heavy S/M
9. Other

8. Partner Sexual Enjoyment - PARTSXJOY Partner Behavior, Question 30, B 9-16

Scale: 5-point Likert. 0 = not at all, 1 = enjoy somewhat, 2 = enjoy quite a bit, 3 = enjoy very much, 4 = enjoy completely

B. (Partner)
9. Cuddling
10. Stroking
11. Mutual masturbation
12. Receiving oral sex
13. Telephone sex
14. Light S/M
15. Heavy S/M
16. Other

9. Partner Attitudes on Weight -- (PARTONWT) Partner Questions, Questions 17-21 and 23, 24

Scale: 5 point Likert. 0 = not at all, 1 = enjoy somewhat, 2 = enjoy quite a bit, 3 = enjoy very much, 4 = enjoy completely

17. Has your weight ever been an issue in your relationship?

18. Has your partner ever verbally abused you about your size?

19. Has your partner ever physically abused you?

20. Does your partner remind you gently to lose weight?

21. Does your partner pressure you to lose weight?

23. Does your partner complain about what you are eating?

24. Does your partner complain about how much you are eating?

Weight Negativity Scale (WNS) Responses to the "negative end" were counted as 1 and added to the weight negative item.

Weight History, Question 8, 9, 10,12,13,19,20,22

Scale: 1-5; 1 = highest, 5 = lowest

8. Are you satisfied with your current weight?

9. How often do you weigh yourself?

10. Are you self-conscious about your appearance in general

12. When you check yourself in the mirror without clothes, how do you feel?

13. How do you usually feel about your nude body in sexual encounters?

Scale: Yes or No

19. If you were thinner, but had the same sexual partner, do you think you would enjoy your sexual life more?

20. Has your weight become a disability for you in your daily life?

22. Does your weight affect your capacity to express yourself sexually?

Sexual Attitudes, Secong group, Question 6,7,8,

Scale: 1 = mostly true, 2 = mostly NOT true

6. Your weight has often influenced your choice of a sexual partner.

7. Your weight frequently interferes with your sexual behaviors

8. Your weight frequently interferes with your sexual feelings

9. Negative events from your childhood have hurt your sexuality.

Partner Questions, Question 16

Scale: Yes or No

16. If your body size were thinner, would your choice of a partner be different?

Partner Questions, Question 17, 25, 26, 29

Scale: Yes or No
17. Has your weight ever been an issue in your relationship?

25. Do you believe that a person who prefers large women must have something wrong with him/her?

26. Do you believe that it is difficult for a large woman to attract a partner?

29. Would you be more interested in sex with your partner if you lost weight?